Our Purpose

We live in a society where people experience fear on a day-to-day basis. Fear that completely shuts down their full potential and shuts down opportunity. Fearful of taking risks. Risks that could change your life for the better or life as a whole. Change, Failure, Rejection, getting uncomfortable is what we have to start desiring, because it only makes us stronger and allows us to elevate to our next platform of life. We created Valiant Fit to break past these barriers of life. We are more than just a fitness brand. We are a team who not only want to inspire others to breakthrough their limits but a team who dedicates themselves on giving back to our communities while doing so.


Live Fearlessly

To Live Fearlessly, is to become free from all that's keeping you away from
reaching your true purpose. Many individuals want the feeling of being able to
chase after their dreams, but very few take the necessary actions needed to
accomplish just that. Whether it's moving to that new city or quitting your day job
to pursue something greater, the ultimate risks lie in takin g full action.

Because Once You Become Fearless, Life Becomes Limitless. 


Real Heroes

The definition of Valiant means, Possessing or showing courage or determination. This term goes hand on hand to those every day heroes that go unnoticed. We look up to people who make a difference to our lives while at the same time overcome personal struggle or hardship to achieve that goal. They are people who demonstrate high standards of character and dedication and inspire us to achieve the highest that we can in order to emulate them.

However, being a hero isn't always front page news or stuff of films. Being a hero can mean working all the hours under the sun and earning enough to send your children to college so they can have a better future than you had at their age. It can be as simple as helping the elderly people at your local store or improving the lives of the community. You can doubt your ability to complete the journey, but having the strength of character and purpose to overcome your fears about completing it - that's the stuff of heroes.

We have dedicated ourselves to bring awareness to all issues and heroes that go unseen in our society. Some examples per say include street vendors, field workers, or kids battling cancer. Therefore, we will dedicate each collection to a different cause and 5 % of proceeds from each collection will be donated back to a certain organization that gives back to that exact cause.